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Check out the latest Rural Roundup - The Worms Edition

Check out the January version of the What's Up in the District Newsletter. In this edition, we cover parasite challenges, mastitis milk culturing results, M Bovis testing, and more!

Click on the link to open up the newsletter for the spring edition of 'Farm Express'. This edition brings you the current promotions and products available to help with weaning and fly and lice treatments. Click here to read the - Farm Express ...

Click on the link to open up the Dairying newsletter for the December edition of 'What's Up in the District'.

Click on the link to open up the newsletter for the December edition of 'Rural Round Up'.

Andrea a normally feisty cat was brought into our Waikari clinic as she was feeling off-colour and quieter than normal. Having met Andrea before, Alana knew just how out of character it was for Andrea to submit passively to a full clinical exam, including temperature without even a mild protest. As she was so ill Alana wasted no time in transferring her to the Amberley clinic ...

Fleas are tiny dark brown parasitic insects that infest the coat and skin of pets. They have an amazing skill allowing them to jump up to 150 times their own length. That's like a human jumping over 300 metres! Their remarkable jumping skills allow them to transit easily between hosts and the surrounding environment.

Click on the link to open up the Dairying newsletter for the September edition of 'What's Up in the District'.
In this newsletter we cover:
Pre-Mating Planning
Abamectin Drenching


Click on the link to open up the newsletter for the October edition of 'Rural Round Up'.
In this newsletter we cover:
Drenching lambs
Clostridial Vaccinations
Drench checks
And more.

Click on the link to open up the Dairying newsletter for the September edition of 'What's Up in the District'. In this newsletter we cover: Calving Statistics New Intensive Winter Grazing Rules Calf Scour Outbreaks and more... What's Up in the District ...

Our Clinics & Hours

North Canterbury Veterinary Clinics operates four clinics throughout the Hurunui region.